Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Yoga & Ayurveda Meditation & ayurveda

Meditation means 'awareness' and refers to inner exploration by a human being. It is the complete focusing of one's mind on any one singular object without making the mind wander about. It involves reaching that perfect stage and calls for concentration, contemplation and absorption. Meditation is considered a part of yoga and forms an integral part. Its very purpose is to enrich all aspects of body, mind and soul.

Ayurveda physicians of ancient times advocated the practice of yoga and meditation as it helped to condition the body, mind and soul. It is believed that meditation originated in India over 5000 years ago. There is ample proof to suggest that the ancient Indian saints and yogis practiced yoga daily; this helped them to live long and healthy lives. Meditation in short is reaching that sublime stage of pure thought and inner exploration. The accumulation of physical toxins in the human cells has their equivalents in the mind. These come in the form of anger, fear, jealousy, greed doubts etc. It is to be realized that these toxins are equally potent and are able to destroy the physical and mental health in an individual.
Ayurveda considers this as mental ama (toxins) that need to be removed immediately from the mind. Ayurveda suggests Meditation as the way and the means to eliminate these toxins from the mind thus ensuring both physical and mental health.

Methods of meditation

Certain norms and procedures are to be followed with regard to meditation to attain the desired results. A few of the norms and procedures are given below: -There should be a specific place and a specific time for doing meditation - Meditation should be done on a daily basis. meditationOne should adopt a straight posture while doing meditation -The person meditating should face North or East - A slow and deep breathing would be ideal during meditation -As the person meditating would not be in a position to bring the entire focus on a topic immediately, the first stage of meditation would be to let the mind wander, then bring it to focus on a variety of similar objects and finally bring the entire focus of concentration on to one single object.


There are several benefits that one can derive if one practices meditation on a daily basis. -Meditation lowers blood pressure and reduces cholesterol levels. It helps to reduce tension, anxiety and worry -The flow of oxygen to the lungs will be increased -Meditation helps to reduce obesity -It improves memory power and boosts creativity -Helps to relax and rejuvenate the mind. -It strengthens the immune system and provides guarantee against the onset of various diseases. -Helps maintain the perfect balance of the body, mind and soul and assure perfect physical and mental health. The modern world has acknowledged the efficacy and the benefits of meditation. Innumerable number of institutions has come up in different parts of the country that offer lessons on meditation. The increasing popularity of yoga and meditation in the west is ample proof of its efficacy and relevance in the present day .


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